Jesibel Sauce….Bring on the cream cheese and pass the crackers!

Jesibel Sauce

My friend Carol and her family were stationed in California for awhile.  I cannot remember much of what happened there except for her discovery of this recipe for Jesibel Sauce.

If you are looking for a quick and easy appetizer to serve to your crowd on Canada Day, look no farther.

Jesibel Sauce is a delightful combination of pineapple, apple, horseradish and mustard.  It is so good, you may not need the crackers!

Jesibel Sauce

Inspiration Carol Cochrane


  • 1/2 jar pineapple preserves or jam
  • 1/2 jar apple jelly
  • 1 Tbsp horseradish
  • 1 Tbsp Dijon or your favourite good mustard
  • freshly ground pepper
  • pinch of salt


Mix all ingredients together.
Jesibel Sauce
Serve over room temperature cream cheese with crackers.


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