Fiddlehead Greens

fiddlehead greens

Ah…we know that spring has arrived, since Fiddlehead Greens are now available at the Farmers’ Market and some grocery stores in southern Ontario.  Fiddlehead Greens are a seasonal delicacy in Canada  and are only available in Ontario in May for about two weeks.

According to the Canadian Encyclopedia, the flavour of Fiddlehead Greens has been compared to a combination of asparagus, green bean and okra.  Fiddlehead Greens are the young curled leaves of the ostrich fern. The word fiddlehead was adopted because the young curled leaves look like the scrolls of fiddles.  The ostrich fern is is the only native Canadian plant that has achieved commercial success as a vegetable.

I am sharing with you my recipe for Fiddlehead Greens at the beginning of the harvest, so that you too can savour the taste of this delicious vegetable.

Fiddlehead Greens


  • 1 Lb or 450 gm fiddlehead greens (under no circumstances should fiddleheads be eaten raw)
  • 2 - 3 Tbsp olive oil
  • freshly ground pepper
  • 1/4 cup grated Asiago cheese


With a brush, carefully remove any brown scales from your Fiddlehead Greens. Then wash well under cold running water to remove dirt before cooking. Trim woody stems and cut just below the furl. Boil Fiddlehead Greens in salted boiling water for 10 - 12 minutes.
fiddlehead greens
Drain and place in a serving dish. Drizzle with olive oil and add freshly ground pepper and shaved Asiago cheese.
fiddlehead greens

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